Blog #8

Today I had a lunch meeting with Dr. Shinitzky, we talked about my research paper that I started working on. He suggested that I share it with Lynne and himself in order to get feedback and seeing if there are any major areas I needed to hit on. Its important for me that I do a thorough job on this to ensure I can succeed with the business side of Sport Psychology. We then discussed posting my videos on the Facebook page and how that was to be regulated. I wanted the seal of approval on all my videos and information to be spot on, that way I am ensuring the athletes are getting the best information possible. Dr. Shinitzky suggested that I make a video of the things that I learned as well. This will give athletes in my age group insight from one of their own. It would be a eye opening expirnace to see someon your age expressing the importance of mental conditioning/ sports psychology. I liked that ideas, so for my next project I will be working to create a video which will help me show off and expand my knowledge. My goal by the end of senior project is to be a walking text book when it comes to Sport Psychology. I want to be able to help out my friends, my community, and most importantly myself by having all the tools necessary for success in sports and in life.
We also spoke about crafting a thank you email to James Schwebach with some follow up questions so we can get a deeper understanding of what he does daily. Dr. Shinitzky and I had a short call and were presented with a lot of information, we thought it was important to follow with questions. These questions would prompt more information out of him so we can get a clearer picture of what he does with the athletes and how he presents the information to coaches and owners. I want to make sure I have a whole picture and it will also give me the ability to keep growing a relationship with James. The goal is to also establish relationships with potential future colleges and look for opportunities for the future. With that being said I am respecting that I have been given a great privilege to shadow some of the top professionals in this field.  As I work through this, I am able to grow my knowledge and network. Networking in incredibly valuable in today's world and having a strong base and foundation in which to work off is very useful. I am incredibly thankful that Dr. Shinitzky set up these opportunities because they are helping me to lay down a foundation to succeed in the present and future! He has also provided me a network of resources that I can reach out to and get expert advance and wisdom from the network he has helped me establish.
The rest of my day was spent at the north office, Dr. Shinitzky has two offices because he believes the provider makes themselves available for the patients. I like this philosophy because it shows that the provider cares about there patines and will go any length to help them get the help they need. I also had the opportunity to sit in on another clinical session. This athlete wanted to focus on the more personal aspect of his life. He choose to talk about a girl, and high bs as he called it. He is very found of this girl and has feelings for her, however, she is dating an ass hole. This guy is an ass and treat this girl like crap. The  The athlete has forced on her and sees that it's a taking a toll on him. The takeaways were shoot your shot, control what you can control, and don’t let it tear you down. This was important to focus on because if we didn’t, it would have consumed him nd controlled his overall performance in the classroom and in sport. By taking care of the problem, he can now focus and do his thing.


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